Legal domicile and registered office: what they are and what are the benefits.


The registered office of a company represents its official address and the location where the company’s administrative center is located. It is important because it represents its identity and presence in the territory. It must be indicated in all official documents of the company, such as contracts, invoices, and communications with authorities, and is used to register the company with the Chamber of Commerce and Italian tax authorities. In addition, it represents the place where the company receives all official communications, such as tax notifications, administrative judicial acts, and communications from the Chamber of Commerce.

The registered office can be located in different places, such as the company’s headquarters, with an accountant, or even a lawyer.

However, there are service companies called business centers that offer the service of legal domicile, including belfiore10.

Legal domicile is a service that offers advantages both for companies and professionals who use it. In particular, choosing a legal domicile at our business center offers the following advantages:


  • Image: we are located in the heart of Florence, inside a prestigious building.


  • Professionalism: the front office staff has consolidated skills and takes care of mail retrieval, communications, and management.


  • Savings: choosing a legal domicile at a business center avoids having to rent an office on your own with all the associated costs and commitments, with a single clear and contained cost.


  • Flexibility: the service can be configured according to your needs.


  • Guarantee: every document is handled with the utmost care, and notification of receipt is sent for each document received and retrieved.


  • Timeliness: everything is ready in 24 hours.


Therefore, whether it is a company that wants to move its registered office or a startup looking for a prestigious location in Florence, we can find the right solution for everyone, and in just 24 hours!

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