News, testimonials, the past, the present, but above all the future.

Fulvia Finelli has been following the business centre sector from close quarters for more than 30 years, thus providing a first-hand and professional inside account.

Greta Caioni emerging blogger of Generation Y. Passionate about the visual arts and naturally curious, she shares her experiences and new knowledge in the sector.

Why c/oworking?

  Coworking is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to traditional offices, and more and more companies are creating shared workspaces to offer a more collaborative and flexible experience to …

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Work environment: productivity and well-being

The atmosphere in the workplace is undoubtedly one of the first factors that impact a person’s productivity: a serene work environment stimulates people to produce more, have greater motivation, and …

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Let’s start over from 10

22.11.22: 35 years have now passed since that distant 1987 when everything began. So one day we looked around and realized that, while we were aging, our customers were …

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Smart Office: what else?

When we think of something smart, we think of something that simplifies our life: smart is the phone that allows us to do everything (or almost everything) wherever we are, …

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It’s all about smart!

We are at the end of this restless and disturbing year in which we have discovered ourselves weaker and more vulnerable than we could ever imagine. More human, certainly, but …

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Furnished office and co-working: which came first, the chicken or the egg?

We have already talked about the furnished office and its genesis, the reasons and purposes that have favored, if not even caused, its birth, development, and recent undisputed and unstoppable …

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